If you don't know how to use hashtags, please don't use them. I mean it is just silly to do so. They don't get activated, you miss the whole point of why they are there, what their purpose is and it just looks daft!
1. #Don't#Use#Hashtags#Like#This#Without#Leaving#Spaces#Between#Different#Hashtags
2.Writing.Words.In.A.Line.One.After.Another.With.A.Full.Stop.After.Each.Word.Will.Not.Serve.The.Purpose.Of.A.Hashtag.So.Please.Stop.Doing.This. Also including special characters like $, %, & will render your hashtag invalid.
3.Punctuations ruin hashtags. #Don't #Hashtag #Don't or #You're or similar contractions. Well, don't hashtag contractions ever actually! Why would someone want to search tweets or posts tagged with #Don't in the first place!
4. #If #You #Use #More #Than #Three #To #Four #Hashtags #In #A #Post #Like #I #Just #Did #You #Will #Clearly #See #That #It #Turns #Into #Spam Why not write a full sentence instead?
5. #Spellin #Wordz #Incorrectly #In #A #Hashtag #Is #Da #Mozt #Ridikulus #Thing #U #Can #Do
6. #Spelling #Amazing #As #Amazzzziiinnnggggggg #In #A #Hashtag #Is #More #Ridiculooouusssss #Than #Number #5. #Above
7. Not every post or tweet needs a hashtag. Remember, you are allowed to write normal sentences too.
8. A post or tweet such as this makes me want to scream - " I love chocolates #Chocolates #Love " Couldn't you have simply stated - " I #love #chocolates "
If you have come across anymore #Hashtag disasters, comment and share the joy!
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